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Autumn program: Wonder – Fall

Now, summer is gone! Our wonder-fall season is coming!


Magical Autumn

Weather, Clothes and Color


Dancing nature

Art, Dance and Nature


Spice up your life

Harvest, Spice and food


Happy fall y'all

Festival, Culture and Tradition


Apple of my eye

Love, Family and friends

Thank you for joining our summer program 🙂

Our adventurous summer is gone ... 

Did we cry? Goodness NO!!


We kept walking along and are enjoying the next season!!


Welcome to our Wonder-fall programs!! 


Autumn nature walks are big journey of learning!


Children will learn about the life cycle of plants, different kinds of trees,

and the weather throughout the different seasons.


We will also be collecting colorful leaves, pine cones, and other natural treasures

to use for arts and crafts and make master pieces with the children to share with their grown ups.


We walk to the park at 11:00 am and after 1:00 pm

Book your kids this season and let's enjoy special seasonal walks!







Let's get ready to jump in big puddles!!

The rainy season is coming soon! But, do we have to stay inside? :(.. 


Pack your child's rain boots, rain coat and an extra layer of clothes to Buddings!

Now, we are ready for the adventures ahead!

Splash your excitement with your friends and teachers!!