Buddings Field Trips offer hands-on experiences out in the great wide world! Sarah “We searched high for clouds, birds, and evergreens, and low for twigs, red leaves, and bugs. It [ … ]
Category: Fieldtrips
BKC Rainbow Spring 2019 Fieldtrips
Checklist Toques, Gloves, and Scarves: It’s always a good idea to keep these items in our back pack just in case it gets too cold outside to expose our bare fingers, [ … ]
BKC Healthy Beginnings 2019 Fieldtrips!
Checklist Toques, Gloves, and Scarves: It’s always a good idea to keep these items in our back pack just in case it gets too cold outside to expose our bare fingers, [ … ]
BKC Falling In Love 2018 Field Trips!
It’s time to “Fall In Love” with… Field trips! This season, we have a diverse set of adventures that we are excited to share with all the Big Kids of Buddings! [ … ]
2018 Summer Time Rhyme Field Trips
Adventure Time! The bright sun’s out longer, and this means more time to play outside and explore! We are excited to announce that our fieldtrips for our Summer Time Rhyme [ … ]
Spring has Sprung Field Trips
Fieldtrips give a first hand view of class topics, and sharing the experience makes the learning, and the friendships, last! Weekday trips run from 1 – 4pm and Saturday kids go [ … ]