What's cool about the fall season?
Autumn is awesome for 101 reasons, and from Sept. 16 - Dec. 1, the kids and teachers at Storybook Buddings will explore them all! Of course, the star of the season is the harvest! Food for the creatures preparing for winter. Snacks for the hungry school kids, and an educational and sensory experience for the toddlers and preschoolers!
We're joining teacher Shiori's lunchtime specials for life lessons about health and nutrition!
Don't forget to bring your boots!
Vancouver wouldn't be the rain forest we love without the rain that makes the trees and flowers grow. It all comes falling down this season, but with warm layers, and rubber boots, we can still get out and enjoy it!
Our instagram has fun photos (non-identifiable of course), and great wet weather ideas for families to try at home. Check us out @buddingsdaycare.
Awesome Autumn 101
Crunching leaves, acorns falling, and squirrels everywhere! Kids of all ages can always practice listening, observing, and asking questions.
When the weather is soggy, we explore indoor activities to get our bodies moving, and our minds relaxed.
From leaf mobiles to pinecone people, we can enjoy the fruits of the fall by collecting them, sorting them, and using them in our artistic endeavours.
This year, we'll learn about Moon festivals, Halloween, Indigenous Peoples Day, and Nov. 12 is Diwali!
Exploration topics for fall!
Our daily themes encompass the whole season:

Plus, a few of our favourite foods!

Autumn Hours:
School is in session!
Before and after the kids head to class, they're coming to Buddings! Our School Age program has kicked off, and we couldn't be more excited to have them join us.
Early morning drop-off begins at 7:30, and the afternoons run from 3 - 6pm.
Occasional Care from 9am - 3pm
Our flexible occasional care for toddlers and preschoolers will continue to run from 9am - 3pm, with circle times, structured play and learning, outdoor activities, and snacks (of course!).
When the school bell rings, the centre converts to the school age program, and our licence prohibits any overlap. While we know pick-up is already a priority, we ask families to be sure to take the little ones home by 3.