School Age Care in Cedar Cottage has arrived!
Introducing our newest licensed program: Buddings Kids Club!
Starting in 2023, our popular, flexible childcare at Storybook Buddings accepts children from 18 months to 12 years old! The Occasional Care program for toddlers and preschoolers runs from 9am to 3pm, and Before and After School Care operates from 7:30 - 9am, and from 3 - 6pm for children 5 - 12 years old.
Splitting the hours means we can serve more families, and provide flexible options for our Cedar Cottage community, but the licenses do have some stipulations.
Here's how it works:
Prohibited from running concurrently
A one-stop childcare spot for the whole family sounds like a dream come true, but the licensing regulations do not allow preshoolers and toddlers to be onsite during the school-age program, and vice versa.
This means that Occasional Care ends at 3pm. We know that pick-up is already a priority, but we have been asked to remind families to be on time.
Your children will be safe until you arrive, but providing occasional care after 3pm may result in Not In Compliance on our public record. 🤷
How much it costs: $10/hour + $5 for walks
Member families can purchase hours through our website, either in advance (Regular Membership = $40/month), or by signing up for our Benefits Membership ($55), to pay as you go, with all invoices charged automatically at the end of each month.
Hours are just $10, and we offer walking school transport for Lord Selkirk and Selkirk Annex for $5 each. Our afternoon snack program provides tasty, seasonal snacks, and opportunities to explore food and culture, for $4.
Hour packages are flexible, to cover as little as one afternoon a week, up to our Max Pack, for attendance before and after school every day! You can even buy hours as you need them, and book with as little as 12 hours notice online, or one hour's notice by phone.
Licensed childcare is tax deductible, so you'll get a tax receipt in February for the total amount.
Collecting the Kids: Meet us at the swings!
Children in kindergarten and Grade 1 stay in divisions with their teachers until Buddings staff collect them, while kids in Grade 2 or higher should head to the playground to wait for the group.
As the school year progresses, pick-up gets smoother and smoother, but if it's your bigger child's first day to be picked up, please let them know it's very important to wait at the swings. It can take up to 15 minutes to get the littler kids organized, especially in the fall.
Buddings teachers send a confirmation email at 2:30pm daily to the families on the list for pick-up. You do not need to respond, but if you haven't seen it, please feel free to contact us, or confirm your attendance booking online.
If your plans have changed, please call us right away at 604-559-8494 if the child will not attend.
Social Activities: outdoor play, and structured learning
We love to get outside, and daily outdoor play is a mandatory component of our license. Whatever the weather, children should be prepared for at least 30 minutes in the elements. Children from both schools join up at Kingcrest Park, and usually walk back to the centre between 3:45 and 4pm.
Back at Buddings, the adventures await!
Science on Mondays, with Ayumi!
World Snack Project with Shiori!
Most importantly, the kids work together, with their friends and teachers, to develop the projects, help each other, and make their Kids Club their own. 🙂