At Buddings, we have monthly themes for our snack menu.
It actually offers not only healthy meals but also opportunities to try new tastes!
In April, Buddings Snack theme was "Gluten Free"!!
It actually encouraged Buddings teacher to offer lots of different fruits and vegetable such as Cauliflower, Zucchini, Cantaloupe, Honey Dew, Mango, and lots more!
And here is one of the menu items we tried this month! "Cauliflower and Cheese sauce"
Children love mashed potato! How about mashed Cauliflower? Let's try it!!
Gluten Free...means no flour! What can we use for our sauce then? Rice Flour!!
Some buddies loved it and others didn't. It's all good! It's always great to try new things for children and even teachers!
What's next? Stay tuned everyone!