Adventure Time!
The bright sun's out longer, and this means more time to play outside and explore! We are excited to announce that our fieldtrips for our Summer Time Rhyme 2018 season will run from 1 - 5 pm.
Read below for the field trip schedule and checklist!
Sun screen: Mr sun makes the world bright and even more beautiful! But too much sun is ouchy! Please remember to apply sunscreen on your child before drop off, and if they are booked in since the morning, we are more than happy to re-apply. Please feel free to use the sun screen dispenser provided!
Hats and sunglasses: Please remember your sun hats for the field trip as many of our adventures involve the outdoors! You are also more than welcome to bring your fancy sun glasses. 🙂
Appropriate shoes: Although we do love the sunshine, we are still in Vancouver after all, and we will never know when Mr. cloud and rain will show themselves. Please bring boots or any other shoes appropriate for the weather!
Permission Form: When there is a field trip for the day, you will find a permission form next to the Sign In/Out Sheet. Please remember to write your child's name on the space provided, and provide your signature on the right hand side... the Buddings teachers will be there to remind you. 🙂

Mondays: Everybody Move your Body
June 25: Company 605 Dance Studio
July 30: Ceperley Park Playground
August 27: Grandview Park

Tuesdays: Classic Music
June 26: Vancouver Jazz Festival on Granville Island
July 24: Pianos on the Street Music Store

Wednesdays: Nature Adventure
June 6: Granville Park
June 13: Storybook Buddings
June 20: Riley Park Playground
June 27: Granville Island
July 4: China Creek South Park
July 11: Lonsdale Quay Market and Seabus
July 18: Queen Elizabeth Park
July 25: Beaty Biodiversity Museum
August 1: Grandview Park
August 8: YVR Airport
August 15: Emery Barnes Park
August 22: Granville Loop Park
August 29: Stanley Park Railway

Thursdays: Hop Around Europe
June 14: Granville Island

Fridays: Ocean Motion
June 8: David Lam Park via. Aquabus
June 15: Fish Aisle of Petsmart
July 6: Kitsilano Beach Park
July 20: Beaty Biodiversity Museum
August 10: Aquariums West