Have you consented to our new policies?
On May 25, 2019 we updated our Daycare Policies. Here’s what it means for you:
- We have a brand new, one-stop How It Works page, with all the info for families to add, change, buy, and book, and a new parent handbook coming soon. Emails requesting information about how our program works will be directed to that page. Please consult it before contacting us.
- Families can now pay Snacks and Incidentals Invoices from the Dashboard: invoices for snacks will be sent to you on the first of the next month. Requested hours, and late pick-up fees will be emailed to you for payment, rather than processed with membership fees on the 25th of the month. You’ll know what your bills are for, because you’ll pay them yourself.
- Changing Your Membership: to switch, exit, add, or in any way change your membership, you now have two options:
- Do-it-yourself – download and complete the Membership Change Form from buddings.ca/forms and submit it to membership@buddings.ca by the 15th of the month for changes to take effect at the end of the month.
- Request Admin Support – email the centre managers at info@buddings.ca or storybook@buddings.ca for support. A $30 admin fee will be included per instance.
- Free Pass on Fees: all memberships include a waive for one admin fee, which you can use at your discretion. Find it on your dashboard, once your new contract has been received. Skip an hours transfer fee, request admin support on membership changes, or get one Late Pick-up free.
- Fee Increase: Occasional Membership will be $20 and $20/hour. The fee to add a second centre will also be $20/month. For existing members, the change will take effect on May 25, for July.
- Documentation: This month, the staff at both centres will have copies of the new Daycare Policy Consent form and the Payment Contract. We will be asking everyone to read, sign, and snap a pic of the documents in order to maintain your membership.
Why photograph?
These days, everyone has a camera, and a picture is still worth 1,000 words!
We store copies of your contract and our family documents on Dropbox. We are requiring that you do the same.
As the membership continues to grow, I either need to hire another person to copy and paste email answers, or teach new families to help themselves.
Since Supporting Autonomy, and Open Communication are two of our company values, the answer is easy!
Emails with questions and comments about your family’s specifics are most certainly welcome!