It's time to "Fall In Love" with... Field trips! This season, we have a diverse set of adventures that we are excited to share with all the Big Kids of Buddings!
Our field trips for the Falling In Love 2018 season will run from 1 - 4 pm,
with a few noted exceptions running 1 - 5pm.
Read below for the field trip schedule and checklist!
Rain Coats: Please remember your rain coats for the field trip as many of our adventures involve braving the cold and wet Vancouver weather!
Appropriate shoes: We are still in Vancouver after all, and we will never know when Mr. cloud and rain will show themselves. Please bring your rain boots for those super tempting mud puddles!
Permission Form: When there is a field trip for the day, you will find a permission form next to the Sign In/Out Sheet. Please remember to write your child's name on the space provided, and provide your signature on the right hand side... the Buddings teachers will be there to remind you. 🙂

Mondays: Senses and Sensibility with Sarah and Cristi
Oct. 1 - A stroll for the senses down Ackery Lane!
Oct. 29 - "Smell and Taste Hunt" at Granville Island Public Market!
Nov. 26, *1 - 5pm* - The sights, sounds, and smells of the Bloedel Conservatory!

Mondays: Dig Deep with Kezia
Sept. 24 - How big is a Dinosaur? Let's find out at UBC Biodiversity Museum.
Oct. 22 - What does it mean to be endangered? Bloedel Conservatory conserves Animals and Plants!
Nov. 5 - Let's find fossil fuels at Burnaby Central Park!

Tuesdays: Artful Fall with Aïda
Sept. 4: Fieldtrip to the Chali-Rosso Art Gallery
Oct. 23: Fieldtrip to the Circus Play Cafe the Street Are on Commercial Drive
Nov. 20: Artist Meet!

Tuesdays: Cool Chemistry with Yuka
September 18 : Emery Barnes Park
October 16 : Sunset Park
November 13 : Trout Lake

Wednesdays: Awesome Autumn with Ayumi
September 19: Vancouver Lookout
October 17: Kids Play Area at Oakridge center
November 14: Granville Island & Aquabus

Wednesdays: Artful Fall with Aïda
Sept. 5: Fieldtrip to the Chali-Rosso Art Gallery
Oct. 24: Fieldtrip to the Circus Play Cafe the Street Are on Commercial Drive
Nov. 21: Artist Meet!

Thursdays: Alphabet Yoga with Tomomi
Sept. 13, *1 - 5pm* : Kitsilano Beach
Oct. 11 : Granville Island Water Park (Kids Market Adventure Zone if it rains)
Nov. 8 : Storybook Buddings (Collaborate with teacher Anna's Big Kids Club there)

Thursdays: Puppet Theatre with Anna
Oct. 4 - Fieldtrip to Queen Elizabeth Park, Vancouver
Nov. 1 - The Cultch Theatre, Vancouver Fieldtrip
Nov. 29 - Meeting Puppets and Actors

Fridays: All About Us with Chelsea
Sept. 7: Fieldtrip to the Museum of Anthropology
Oct. 5: Fieldtrip to the VPL Central Library
Nov. 9th: Fieldtrip to Adventure Island at Kids Market Granville Island

Fridays: Indigenous Animals with Ehlssie
Sept. 14: Fieldtrip to the Jade Canoe at the YVR Airport
Oct. 12: Fieldtrip to the Pan Pacific Totem Poles
Nov. 9: Hill's Native Art Gallery