" Eat The Rainbow "
Snack theme in May at Buddings is "Eat The Rainbow" !!
Teacher Sarah and Aida have been updating the new menu on each day and every single week!
That means...our little buddies have the opportunity to try new tastes every single day...not only morning and also afternoon!
Colours always attract children and encourage our buddies to eat new type of snacks!
Here are some pictures of our Rainbow menu.
Starting with Kiwifruit chia seed pudding, Cheese pancake with orange, Blueberry cream cheese ice cream, Strawberry Muffin, Pineapple Muffin, and....we are still expecting more!!
Next Thursday on May 31st, Buddings are having Rainbow Party!!!
If you already booked on that day, please wear your favorite colour (Only One Colour!)
Let's have a lovely rainbow day together!!