Falling in Love season has started!!
From this season, we present the Big Kids Club both Centres Broadway and Storybook! How exciting!
Every Thursday at Buddings Broadway, Teacher Tomomi brings YOGA TIME for everybody!
As some buddies already know, I love moving out my body and believe exercising is one of the very important aspects of healthy life!

It's actually not just simple Yoga Time. ..
It's Alphabet Yoga Time!
Children will learn Alphabet and some new words with using their whole body!!
Also, I'm teaching Alphabet in sign language in this season. As I've started to introduce some sign languages since Summer Time Rhyme(summer season 2018), I would love to try keeping consistency so our little buddies can learn things effectively.

On the first week of this season, we practiced Alphabet A - F in sign language.
Just introducing letters are not fun for children!
How can I approach our little buddies to encourage them interested in the letters?
As first simple activity, we did finding a letter game!
I hid letter cards(A-F) in the room while letting children to count up to 10, and gave each child each letter card so they can match the letter by finding them. After matching all the letters, we went over each letter in sign language.
All buddies appeared to enjoy that game and they were naturally learning each letter!
This warm-up activity encouraged out buddies to move on to Yoga Time quite smoothly.
This is one of the example of the games and I will offer more different types of games as warm up on each class!