This winter season, I am going to introduce you Japanese Stories with Healthy tips.
For example, there a Japanese traditional story which is about a superhero who is saving people from Japanese styled monsters "Oni." The superhero has his favourite superfood that gives him the strong power in the stories. That always tells us "Eat well and be a hero with a healthy strong body!"
I'm going to provide fun activities with a story like that and teach kids the importance of being healthy and nice to people.

At my first winter class, I introduced Momotaro (Peach Boy). He was born from a peach that was found by an old childless woman. When she and her husband opened to eat it, the boy POPPED UP from the peach. It's a very traditional Japanese old story that all of the kids in Japan have read. After reading the story, we made Momotaro POP-UP card! Our buddies enjoyed the story with the craft. I will share more stories and crafts like this Momotaro activity!