Hi, it's Ayumi. Summer is here and our adventures of the fieldtrips are a lot of fun so far!
Adventures are not only going to elsewhere special. I believe that the processes are an exciting part and its treasure. Last month, we went to several places to learn how we can take care of the environment, people, or each other. Here are some stories of our adventures!

#1: Sharing and Caring
One day, on the way to go to Storybook Buddings (Yes, it is NEW Buddings!), the bus we took was so crowded like no seats for kids. Then some people started discussing who should take seats in this situation. After we got off the bus, I talked with the kids about what was the discussion for. "There were no right or wrong. Sometimes, someone has a pain in legs, has a baby in their hands or a mommy needs to sit, even they look okay. That's why sharing and caring are important." Then on the way back by the bus, some of our buddies said "Look! We are sharing!"
#2: Pay it forward
The other day, We took a ferry from Granville Island. The kids were enjoying seeing the view. Then the driver, Max, offered to let us drive the ferry! "Yes, please!" I could tell children were a bit nervous. However, what an exciting event. Then Max told us that he had the same experience when he was a kid like our buddies and had so much fun. I hope our BKC will stimulate children's interest, and keep these memories in their minds, then if they would give like the opportunity to other kids in the future just like Max did it to us. It would be "Pay It Forward."

#3: Having fun in nature
When we went to China Creek South Park, I suggested crafting something with materials in nature. We enjoyed picking up branches and leaves. Then we made photo frames with them. Through this activity, I asked the kids. "If there were no parks and the trees, how and where can we play?" "Some places on the earth, nature is being lost. How can we keep the trees and nature?" Then one of our buddies said, "We can plant!" It was the good trigger for them to think about our environment during the fieldtrip.
Come join our field trips every Wednesday 1-5pm!
Let's enjoy the summer with us!