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Petition: Subsidy for Flexible Care

When I was a child, my mum would respond to all my complaints about injustices by telling me to do something about it. To "start a petition," if I cared so much. 

Since we opened in 2011, and families have been asking us why we're not eligible for the provincial childcare subsidy programs, and why the license limits us to 40 hours of care per month, we have started petitions.

We've been interviewed, and featured. MLAs and Ministers have come to visit, and offered their support for our service, and even acknowledged the value for modern families. 

Calling a snap provincial election for Oct. 24 suggests the minority BC NDP government is looking to increase their control. They rolled in on a commitment to affordable childcare, which they have delivered on for full-time and part-time users.

For 2020, we're asking them to extend those benefits to flexible use. 

We're trying to make as much of an impact this month as we can. By promoting the petition, contacting candidates, and reaching out to media. Please help us get the word out! Click here to add your name and use the Share links to spread the news. 

Thank you so much for the support this weekend! We wanted to get to 500 by Oct. 6, and we're so close! 

Please help us keep it going! 

Find it on Facebook now.