News & Events

Application for SBK School Age Care in 2023

Storybook Afterschool Club from 3 - 6pm

Our Storybook centre at Knight and Kingsway, is nestled amongst half a dozen schools, nextdoor to the library, and local to hundreds of families with school age kids. 

In 2023, we are considering introducing a new program for elementary kids that includes art, outings, science, and physical activity - weekdays from 8 - 9am and 3 - 6pm, and during school closures for children from 5 - 12 years.

Plus, it's flexible!

Registration details to come

We have submitted our application and it was received by the City of Vancouver on Dec. 16, listing Selkirk Elementary and Annex, and Dickens Elementary and Annex as our primary service schools. 

We are currently investigating family interest in a walking pick-up/drop-off program and invite those interested in keeping in touch can email us here.