Ethnocentrism (noun.)
The ability to see values and behaviours as cultural
rather than universal.
Ethnorelativism vs. Ethnocentrism
Ethnocentrism means to judge other cultural customs, including language, behaviour, religion, and values, based on our own.
In our class, we try to discourage this ideology by learning about different cultures and values through ethnorelativism.
Our goal for this class is to make the world safe for human differences by encouraging acceptance and understanding.

Sharing Our World
For our Indigenous Animals class, we started with learning about the different types of animals, inspired by the book "Sharing our World".
This book teaches us about the unique traits of each animal of the Native North West coast.
Through familiarisation and identification, the children are able to really capture the significance and importance of each animal.
Applying our Knowledge
This knowledge shared by the "Sharing our World" book was applied in our Field trip to the YVR airport. As we observed the Jade Canoe, we were able to identify the different animals as it is depicted in a unique form of art. It represents the closeness and coexistence of animals and humans
This was also our mission as we visited the Totem Poles at Canada Place near the Pan Pacific Hotel.
This November, we will learn all about Indigenous Animal stories like the Tale of the Raven! Don't miss out!

Our class is happening every Friday at Storybook Buddings!
From 1 - 4 pm.
Hope to see you there!