Welcome to Spring at Buddings, where babies are being born, little leaves are budding and unfurling, and a new season of play and learning is ready to poke its head out of the mud! It's getting warmer! Let's play outside!
From Feb. 28 to June 3, the kids and teachers take the learning out into the world, with the return of our wildly popular fieldtrip program. Join us for bus and train adventures to some of our favourite local parks.
To attend, find the icon on the booking calendar, and book in for the hours from 1 - 4pm. Guardians will be informed at dropoff about the option, and can choose to attend or not. There's no extra cost, and no age limit, and we always cater to the needs and abilities of the kids in attendance.

Seasonal Program of Play and Learning
Nature Class
There's plenty to learn inside, as well! And on Mondays, we'll be taking a closer look at all the science and magic that happens at this time of year.
Baby animals. Sprouting flowers. And a whole world awakening!
Capture the Season
The beauty of spring deserves to be celebrated. To make the memories that last a lifetime, we need to preserve them!
On Tuesdays, the kids will be capturing the moments, and framing them, in our art and photography class!
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!
On Wednesdays, the kids and teachers take the time to measure our impact, and reduce, reduce, reduce our consumption! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and so is "waste." Let's reuse and recycle, too!
Spring Poems
What rhymes with Spring...?
Thing. Ring. Sing. Bring... your little buddy to Buddings on Thursdays to explore letters and language, as we prepare an ode to the season of rebirth!
March, Hop, Spring!
Spring is the most active time of year! From Marching through March, to a season coiled up and ready to bounce! On Fridays, we're getting up out of our seats and onto our feet to explore the many, many, many ACTIVities of Spring!
March, Hop, Spring!