Toques, Gloves, and Scarves: It's always a good idea to keep these items in our back pack just in case it gets too cold outside to expose our bare fingers, neck, and head!
Coats: Please remember your coats for the field trip as many of our adventures involve braving the cold and wet Vancouver weather!
Appropriate shoes: We are still in Vancouver after all, and we will never know when Mr. cloud and rain will show themselves. Please bring your rain boots for those super tempting mud puddles!
Permission Form: When there is a field trip for the day, you will find a permission form next to the Sign In/Out Sheet. Please remember to write your child's name on the space provided, and provide your signature on the right hand side... the Buddings teachers will be there to remind you. 🙂

Mondays: Super Natures with Kezia

Mondays: Looking Up with Talia and Sarah
Dec.3rd: We're climbing to the top of the VPL Central Branch to explore its new rooftop garden!
Jan.28th: Up, up we the Vancouver Lookout!
Feb.25th: We'll turn our eyes to the sky to watch the take-offs and landings at YVR Airport.

Tuesdays: Civilizations: Egypt with Aïda
Jan.29 Field Trip to VPL and the Egypt explorations!
Feb.19 Field Trip to Granville Island to look for some egyptian treasures!

Tuesdays: Everyday Heroes with Ehlssie
Dec. 1: Get your Firefighter hats ready for our fieldtrip to the Fire Station!
Jan. 15: Join us for a fieldtrip to the Police Station!
Feb. 12: Help us greet everyday heroes at the Vancouver General Hospital!

Wednesdays: Healthy Storytime with Ayumi
Dec. 19: Let's go see Christmas Gingerbread Lane at Hyatt Regancy.
Jan. 16: See some birds at Bloedel Conservatory!
Feb. 13: Taste Japanese treats at Granville Island!

Wednesdays: Civilizations: Egypt with Aïda
Jan.30 Field Trip to VPL and the Egypt explorations!
Feb.20 Field Trip to the Soap Dispensary and find out about the ancient egyptian cosmetics!

Thursdays: Health is Wealth with Tomomi
January 10th - City Farmer with guest-host Teacher Vicky! "Let's learn about healthy food at the farm!"
February 7th - Storybook Buddings "Let's go join teacher Anna's Big Kids Club!"

Thursdays: Art Therapy with Anna

Fridays: Begin Again with Chelsea

Fridays: French Class with Elsa
December 14 : The French Alliance of Vancouver
January 11 : Let's go shopping in French at the supermarket!
February 8 : Batard bakerie