Everyone's Invited!
Have you ever received
A gift you don't need?
It's nice, as you see,
But not your cup of tea.
From sweet old Aunt Pat,
or your thoughtful friend Sherry
Bring it to our party!
For re-gifting that's merry!
Please join us from 9:30 - 1:30 on Saturday, Dec. 14, at Storybook Buddings ~ 1438 Cedar Cottage Mews ~ for a holiday party that pays it forward.
Mix and match cookie decor, enjoy some vegan eggnog, and clear your closets of useful-but-unnecessary gifts at our ReGift Exchange. Get 'em outta there!

Here's how it works:
Everyone brings ONE wrapped gift that you've received but don't need. Place it under the tree and get your entry card. At 11am, we'll play pass-the-present to find the first participant. They get to choose and open a gift and they will choose the next player.
Here's the trick:
Whoever opens a gift can keep it or leave it for someone else BUT everyone gets one steal. Anyone can steal anyone else's gift, one time.
If your gift is stolen, you get to pick another gift, and the game ends when all the gifts are taken.
But what if you don't want your gift?
Introducing Jeni Wright
Our East Van neighbour, Jeni Wright, is collecting and distributing small gifts and gift cards to those in need on the Downtown East Side this Christmas. She and her family began the tradition in 2015 and this year, any small useful items left at the end of the game will be given to Donation Operation, along with the proceeds from the party.
Suggested: $10/family.

Daycare Love
Buddings teachers have endless kindness, patience, and drive to help children learn. If your family has formed a special bond with any of our staff, we're so happy to let them know.
... but who are they again?
See below 😉
We'll be having our staff get-together later that evening, and if you'd like to present holiday appreciation gifts, you can bring them to the party or drop them off at either centre any time.