Today, on The Bird Show...
Fridays, from 1 - 4pm, at Storybook Buddings, the Big Kids and I are learning about birds.
We've interviewed a vet, and visited a neighbourhood backyard chicken farm, and before each adventure, we made a list of questions we wanted to ask.
In fact, asking questions is the purpose of The Bird Show. Here's what we've learned:
- Ice cream is the best topic for questions
- Flamingos stand on leg to help regulate their temperature
- Dogs should brush their teeth
- Chickens take baths in dust

Hey! Some of those things are not about birds!!

Asha (centre) and her partner began Kula foods, to bring Kenyan flavours to a vegan and plant-based lifestyle.
It's food for sharing, and Asha will teach the kids and teachers how to make one simple dish. Since it's Gluten-Free April at Buddings, we're adding an extra challenge to our snack-makers, and we'll see if Asha is up to the task.
Join us then, and every Friday, for what's cooking, on The Bird Show.
In our pursuit of answers, we've stumbled upon unexpected diversions, and interesting perspectives!
On May 3, we'll share another one, when we welcome Ms. Asha Wheeldon, owner and chef at Kula Foods to our stage. We'll also be visiting some bird giants, on Apr. 26. Intrigued? Sign in to sign up!