Fieldtrip every Friday!!
Summer is finally here! Let’s go out for sun!
In Summer Daydream Season, I will try taking our buddies out every Friday from Storybook Buddings!
In OUT for SUN class, We go to field trip every week!
Feeling the sun brings us healthy mind and playing under the sun makes our bodies healthy!
Especially here in Vancouver, we have long rainy season so it’s the best for us to get outside as much as possible whenever we can!
I will focus on group activity through outside play and...use lots of energy under the sun!.
I believe children can enhance their social skill and creativity through engage play, and playing outside leads them to be healthy physically and even mentally.
Granview Park, Stanley Park Railroad, Creekside Park, Queen Elizabeth Park, and China Creek Skateboard Park! Wao! We’ve been so many places!
Lots of buddies actually requested me to go back to Granview Park a.k.a“Water Park” !
At Granview Park, we all (including teacher Tomomi) became bear feet and got super wet in the water fountain! We even played with mud and made a tiny river in the sand area.

Before helping them out...let's wait and see...because they have ability to solve the problem by themselves!
They kept talking about that day even next week, so I took them to Creekside Park the other day and we all played with mud again! They were engaging other big children there and succeeded in making big river together! One helped getting water, others helped digging the hole. I was very impressed children were naturally taking turn to use one big shovel.
Sometimes, I wanted to help them but made myself observe what they were doing and how they manage their problem during play.
It’s easy to help them sometimes we(adults) just need to observe what they do so that they can find out the way themselves.
I realized it when I saw them ending up sharing one shovel by themselves by negotiating themselves.

In August, I will take them “Water Park” again.
I just can’t wait to get wet and dirty with them and see what they create with those mud with their friends!