Summertime Rhyme went flying by… When Jenny Bachhuber returned this July, my BKC responsibilities lifted, and with help from Ayumi (pictured here, always smiling ;), the two centre managers Sarah and Ehlssie, and the [ … ]
Tag: childcare
Bacteria Saturdays!
This Big Kids Club is focused on showing kids that the food they eat often involves bacteria and a fermentation process. That’s why teacher Aïda made the sourdough bread sandwiches [ … ]
We love an adventure!
This summer, I’ve been in charge of Nature Adventure which is going on a fieldtrip every Wednesday. We have gone to a lot of places, and they all were so [ … ]
Bacteria Cafeteria on Saturdays!
Saturday’s Big Kids Club is called Bacteria Cafeteria! One day, we have tried to taste Kombucha and make homemade one. And also used Yogurt for our snack time. Today, I [ … ]
Snack Hits at Buddings!
One of the best compliments that we receive during snack time is when children ask us for seconds. “More please! More please!” brings a smile to our faces, especially when we provide [ … ]
Nature Adventure on Wednesday!
Hi, it’s Ayumi. Summer is here and our adventures of the fieldtrips are a lot of fun so far! Adventures are not only going to elsewhere special. I believe that the [ … ]
Storybook June? Yes, it is our snack theme!
Do you know we have a snack activities theme?We have worked on Storybook June as the theme for last month.We also combined with our morning activities! You know kids love [ … ]
2018 Summer Time Rhyme Field Trips
Adventure Time! The bright sun’s out longer, and this means more time to play outside and explore! We are excited to announce that our fieldtrips for our Summer Time Rhyme [ … ]
Let’s Go on “Nature Adventure” on Wednesdays!
For Summer Time Rhyme, teacher Ayumi is going to be in charge of Wednesday’s Big Kids Club: “Nature Adventure.” The middle of the week, I will take kids go on an [ … ]
Buddings Twice a Week – for social!
According to UBC’s Institute for Early Childhood Education and Research proficient social skills are a key indicator for early school success. Social skills don’t develop in a vacuum, and they can’t [ … ]
Storybook Buddings Opening Party – June 1, 2018
Families love flexibility! Despite their different schedules and reasons for valuing flexibility, when asked, all the parents who attended last month’s Lunch & Learn with MLA George Heyman, at Buddings Daycare [ … ]
Flexible Daycare in the news! – Apr. 2018
On Apr. 27, 2018, the CBC’s Zahra Premji, and Fairview MLA George Heyman both stopped by our Broadway centre to talk to parents about flexible care. The piece starts around [ … ]
Thursday Big Kids Club! – Field Trip to BMO Theatre Centre –
“3 2 1, Action!” Thursday Big Kids Club enhance children’s development on imagination and expressing themselves through Dramatic Play! On March 22nd, we visited “BMO Theatre Center” as [ … ]
Spring Cleaning Clothing Swap – April 15, 2018
Our 12th… or 14th?… Our latest Spring Toy and Clothing Swap is happening on Apr. 15, 2018 from 11am – 1pm! You can pick up bags, and bags of clothes and toys, [ … ]
Storybook Toy Opening Party – Mar. 27, 3 – 6pm
This month, the Buddings teachers have taken on a shopping challenge: How to buy toys and games for preschoolers and toddlers that meet our values of sustainability, inclusivity, open-endedness, and [ … ]